My winter vacation!

Hi! Thank you for coming my blog!

Many sad events have occurred since the beginning of the year.😣 I hope everyone was safe. I pray for those affected by the disaster.

Let me introduce you to my winter vacation! First of all, as I mentioned in my last blog, I was home recuperation (自宅療養) until the end of last year because of a coronavirus infection. It was a mild illness, but it was hard because I couldn't stop coughing. I still have some aftereffects, so please be careful not to get infected. By the way, I am in good health now!!!

I ate Osechi and crab with my family on New Year's Day. I was very excited to have a luxurious meal that was different from the usual! It was very delicious. I was full right away.

At that time, I received a New Year's gift from my parents. I was very surprised because I had heard that I would no longer receive New Year's gifts as a university student. At the same time, I was very happy. My grandparents also gave me a New Year's gift, so I will save it carefully!

The next day, I went to Hakusan Shrine for Hatsumode. I went there after my part-time job. I was a little disappointed because I went there late at night and the food stalls were already closed. Next time I go there, I would like to go early to eat food from the food stalls.

I asked for "May this year be a wonderful year for you. What did you wish for when you went to Hatsumode? Please let me know if you would like to know!

Hakusan Shrine

Thank you for reading my blog!


  1. Hi, I'm Natsuki. I'm glad you are feeling better! I went to Hakusan Shrine for Hatsumode too. I wished for happen things to happen!

  2. Hi, I'm Moka. I had crab on New Year's too! I love this time of year because there are so many delicious foods to eat!


